Friday Favorites


Favorite Décor:  Golden Fall Accessories

Fall Decorations


I always feel a need to apologize when I’ve had a lighter week of blog posts, but things got busier than usual this week and photographing my outfits dropped down on the priority list.  Life is about balance, right?  Speaking of balance, I’ve started a 40 Days workshop with my yoga studio and I really like it so far.  Fellow yogis, have you read the book or gone through the program?  Would love to hear!

Part of the 40 Days program involves assessing the amount of material things and “stuff” cluttering your life.  So I had a massive closet cleanout this week with the help of my mom who gave me a thumbs up or thumbs down as I tried nearly everything on.  It was great to get rid of things that I haven’t worn in quite some time and I love seeing the extra space in my closet.

I’m off to Lexington, KY this weekend for a college roommate reunion.  I haven’t been to Lexington before but have heard it’s quite charming, so I am looking forward to exploring!  Happy weekend!

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Random Musings


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  1. Lexington’s just a few hours from me 🙂 Have fun while you’re there! I’ve been cleaning out my closet too and I’m going to open a shop with old pieces and thrift finds! It feels good to have a big clean out, doesn’t it? (But really it makes me want to buy more, haha!)

    xo Ashley