Life Lately // 2021

It’s my first blog post of the new year! How are you??

I mentioned this on Instagram, but this year I’m giving myself permission to release any pressure to keep up with weekly blog content. I’m blogging with a bit less stringency because 2020 was a lot… and involved a lot of screen time. And I want to truly be more present every day and less glued to my laptop in the evenings. So far, it’s been nice! I’ve been spending less time on social media playing the toxic mental comparison game. More time reading, working, running, doing yoga… Just what I needed to start the year.

So, what happened in the month of January? Well first, we moved! We officially moved from the Gold Coast to a larger condo in the West Loop. We are renting our friend’s beauuutiful place and the timing worked out perfectly because our lease was up at our previous building. We didn’t want to sign on to another full year there given there is still so much uncertainty about commuting into the office in the future… The new space has been lovely. Zak and I both work from home (like everyone else right now…), so having the additional space and an extra bedroom is invaluable. I’m pulling together a ‘Chicago Moving Tips’ post for you, a highly requested blog topic over the last year or so.

SHOP // I haven’t been shopping much for clothes recently, but we did buy a few new pieces when we moved. It’s a game of patience, because this awesome console table we ordered still hasn’t been delivered, but I can’t wait to style it with some favorite books and candles! We also upgraded our full-length mirror to this beauty and got some new houseplants.

If you’re being pounded by cold and snow right now, I can’t recommend this Everlane coat enough. SO warm without being too heavy. I wear it in an extra small, seen here on Instagram.

Quite the opposite of coats, I’m going to (finally) visit my Mom in a few weeks after months and months, so I ordered a cute swimsuit and cover-up from Aerie.

Madewell is running 20% off sale right now and I’m super intrigued by this jumpsuit. Also own and love these sandals.

READ // I reallllly enjoyed The Vanishing Half and finished that at the beginning of the month. Have you read it? A lovely storyline of relationships, time, race, sexuality and forgiveness. Now I’m currently reading The Gift.

WATCH // I’ve been in a bit of a TV rut. Like the rest of the female population, I cruised through Bridgerton (steamy!) and I just LOVED Ted Lasso, in case you haven’t watched that yet on Apple TV. Now we just started watching old seasons of Gossip Girl – I’ve never seen it! An easy, silly teen show.

RUN // In a shocking turn of events, I’ve been running. Like, outside. My friend and I signed up for a virtual St. Patrick’s Day race and there is a challenge to run 100 miles by March. We’re well on our way! Must have for winter running are these therma Nike leggings.

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Random Musings


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  1. Stephanie Da Costa on

    Love this 1st blog of 2021!
    Can’t wait to read more