6 Storage Solutions to Help Tidy Up Your Home

There are a limited number of days and activities I can enjoy while house bound from the cold (baking, Netflix, scrubbing the bathtub for the 3rd time…) before I start going mildly stir-crazy.  Which is why now is the perfect to jump on the Marie Kondo obsession train and start purging and organizing your home!



I first heard of Marie Kondo’s book a couple years ago, but passed on reading it since I’ve always considered myself to be a super organized individual with a propensity to donate unused items every few months.  But when my friend asked for help while she Konmari’d her wardrobe, I got wrapped into the entire method and watched a couple episodes (like everyone else) of Tidying Up.  First, Marie is adorable and charming.  I love her gentle approach and that she doesn’t force anyone to get rid of certain items.  Second, I wasn’t so sure about this ‘spark joy’ mentality and saying ‘thank you’ to every piece you get rid of, but it does in fact make the process more fun!  And thoughtful.

When Zak and I decided to KonMari our own wardrobes, I didn’t think we would part with much since we are both more minimalist than ever, but I was SHOOK when we both got rid of a whole garbage bag each! Whattt! Cheap thrills, people. I love getting rid of things and organizing.  Plus, it’s easier than ever to put outfits together with pieces that I LOVE.


So, if you’ve embarked on your own Tidying Up adventure, here are a few things to help keep you organized, even in the smallest of closets and spaces.

ONE // No Slip Velvet Hangers // $20

Here’s the thing… I’m a hanger snob. Investing in good hangers creates more space and protects your clothes such much more than a metal pokey hangar from the dry cleaners.


TWO // Wood Grain Storage Boxes // $20 – $40

I love these boxes for storing photos and cards, a few of the sentimental things I have a hard time parting with.


THREE // Loop Wall Hooks // $24

We have a few hooks by the front door for keys, dog leashes and scarves.


FOUR // Storage Basket Bins // $7 – $17

I use these for all my hair tools in the bathroom, as well as a nice place to roll and store guest bath towels.


FIVE // Bamboo drawer organizers // $20

We registered for some drawer organizers for our wedding and I love them for keeping all our kitchen utensils, tools and silverware tidy.


SIX // Acrylic Clutch Organizer // $40

I have the hardest time storing bags and small clutches because they always seem to flop over, but this clear organizer keeps them upright and visible.

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  1. Great post! I love to organize and these are some really nice storage options