One Good Thing

Image and quote via Cleo Wade

I was chatting with a friend this weekend about how lately there are some days where I’m gliding through life just fine and then some days where BAM – I feel so heavy by the state of the world right now. Increased covid cases, climate change, Afghanistan… There’s just so much. Things can feel heavy and overwhelming.

But I was reading an article about how to help when you feel helpless and it really resonated with me. The best way to not feel helpless? Help. However you can. We each have different capacities in ways we can do something, but there is always SOMETHING you can do.

So, this week my own personal challenge that I would love for you to join in on is to do ONE GOOD THING. Just do one thing, big or small, to help. Every single person and action matters.

Here are some ways and inspiration for how you can make a difference right now:

Donate to the UN Refugee Agency or International Committee of the Red Cross

Get vaccinated.

Donate to the Sunrise Movement or Tradewater.

Commit to STOP buying single use plastic bottles (reusable bottles are way more chic!) and quit with the over usage of paper towels! Cute dishcloths and towels, people.

Pick a day or two and cut out meat from your diet. Bring your reusable grocery bags to the store.

Wash your clothes on a cold water cycle.

Unsubscribe from unneeded print magazines that just sit on your coffee table. (guilty)

Donate to a local non-profit. A personal favorite of mine in Chicago is the Urban Growers Collective.

Really consider how often you need to order stuff from Amazon.

Be kind. BE KIND. You have no idea the battles that someone else is struggling with.

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Random Musings


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  1. I love this.