Everlane Anorak (wearing a xs) // Everlane Sweater (size small) // Mother Skinny Jeans (similar) // Madewell Loafers
Ummm can you believe we’re reached the last few days of February?! January seemed to move at a snails pace and now we’re rounding the corner to spring!
It feels like a great time to check in on your own 2020 resolutions and maybe take the upcoming weekend to reset and get organized. If you need to refocus and make some small steps and changes to feel like you’ve got your sh*t together, here are 6 small items to make you feel more organized and accomplished!
ONE // Schedule outstanding appointments // I needed to schedule a dental cleaning and hair appointment for the coming month and kept putting it off. Not sure why, but I took all of 5 mins and got it done and felt so much better knowing they were on my calendar.
TWO // Automate monthly bills // Have any monthly bills like your cell phone plan or credit card payments you forget to make? Automate them, baby! Better yet, if you read I Will Teach You To Be Rich, take 10 minutes to call your cable company or cell phone provider to negotiate down your monthly rate! (helpful tips for doing so in that book!)
THREE // Review reoccurring expenses // I recently went through my bills and decided to cancel my Spotify Premium membership and Hulu because I just wasn’t using them. Look at your reoccurring monthly expenses and evaluate what you may want to cancel or reduce.
FOUR // Delete old or unwanted photos from your phone // Is there anything more satisfying than cleaning out your phone? Maybe during your commute or just while mindlessly sitting on your couch, go through photos and delete those that may be old, redundant and just taking up storage space.
FIVE // Opt out of email lists // When I was going through my yoga teach training, one of our challenges was to clear out unnecessary clutter from our mental and physical space. I identified that part of my mental clutter was constantly getting promotional emails. I dedicated a week to unsubscribing from those emails each time they popped up.
SIX // Clean out just one closet (or a corner of that closet) // I’ve always had a deep rooted passion for organization and cleaning out my closets really makes me feel like I have my life together even in the most chaotic of moments. Take an hour and donate or sell those items you haven’t worn in a year, refold messy piles and straighten up any shoes you may have thrown to the back. I promise you’ll feel like a true hero when you’re done.