How To Clean & Reuse Your Candle Jars


If I ever treat myself to a Diptyque candle or receive one as a gift, I always savor it each time it’s lit and let it burn until the bitter end. Half the beauty of the candle is the beautiful glass container and its lifetime goes well beyond when the wax is finished. Rather than just tossing out the beautiful glass jar, I clean mine out and use it as a holder for make-up brushes, pens, or striped paper straws on our bar cart.

Want to recycle and reuse your glass candle jars? Here’s an easy way to clean them out!



ONE // Wipe out any residual black from smoke with a little soapy water and paper towel. It doesn’t need to be perfectly clean or removed, but just wipe it a few times around.



TWO // Boil water and fill to the brim. Let it sit for approximately 10 minutes. The residual hardened wax will either rise to the top or just take a plastic spoon and scrape along the bottom and the wax will float up. Note – Do NOT pour the excess water down the sink! The melted wax will reharden down the drain. You can scoop the excess wax from the top into the garbage first.



THREE // Take an old, scrubby side of a sponge and wipe out the inside of the jar with warm, soapy water.



FOUR // Dry with a dish towel and voila! A clean, reusable, pretty jar! Alternative uses – Place one on your nightstand for extra hair ties, on your desk with paper clips or on your coffee table filled with matches.



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  1. Thanks for the info!