Ways to Give Back

I was quiet on the blog this week because frankly I struggled with what to post. I want to provide content that is helpful, provides value and hopefully an entertaining escape, but I felt at a loss.

I went through ups and downs again as I watched the news, but tried to stay positive and grateful. I’m sooo fortunate for my full-time job and to be able to work from home right now. I love my team and count my blessings daily. On the flip-side, I’ve already seen a decrease in my business tied to this blog that I’ve worked so hard to build. And it just sucks. I’ve had two brand partnerships fall through in the last week as companies navigate this global situation.

But, often times finding ways to HELP in difficult situations makes me feel like I can positively contribute, even if it’s in a small way. Staying home is a big way to help, even if in the moment it can feel small when I’m just camped out in the living room. But in reality, it’s big in order to decrease the spread of coronavirus.

If you’re in a position to donate or give right now or support restaurants and small businesses, here are a few ways to support in Chicago and beyond…

Feeding America // With school closures and job disruptions, millions of Americans and children will turn to food banks for support. You can donate to their COVID-19 response fund.

CDC Foundation // The emergency response fund enables the CDC to prepare and respond to public health emergencies.

Chicago Food Depository // This is a very important resource to Chicago all the time, but especially right now due to school closures and lack of school meals.

Restaurant Merch // We’ve been supporting our favorite local restaurants by buying merchandise and neighborhood ordering take-out that offers zero contact pick up. We specifically bought t-shirts from Stock Mfg, where 100% of proceeds go to hourly Chicago workers.

Foster a pet // We signed up to be an emergency foster with Paws Chicago since we are home 24/7 right now. Alive Rescue in Chicago is another favorite, but I’m certain any animal shelter near you is looking for volunteer fosters during this time!

How have you given back during this global pandemic? I’d love to hear your ideas and actions and be able to share!

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Random Musings


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