Small Ways to Happify Your Home

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Home is pretty much the ultimate (or only?!) destination right now. We’ve been doing EVERYTHING in our homes for the last 5 months from working, to cooking endless meals, to fitness classes, to watching hours of TV to hiding in the bathroom on a conference call. Sometimes it can feel so redundant in the summer when it’s usually a season spent brunching, traveling, and generally being very social. I’ve been trying to form better and stronger habits during this time at home, but there’s also little things I’ve done around our one-bedroom downtown apartment to make it a happier space.

Bring in Fresh Flowers & Plants // Our collection of snake plants (the only ones I seemingly don’t kill?) have grown throughout quarantine, bringing some more green and life indoors. I’ve had great luck getting plants through Amazon and then get weekly or bi-weekly fresh flowers from Trader Joe’s to brighten up our kitchen or living room.

Don’t Let Messes Pile Up // Back in April I published a full post on EVERYTHING we’ve organized during this time at home and honestly it’s one of the best things we’ve done while living in a small space. I will undoubtedly be less productive if my surrounding environment is messy. One thing I do every evening is clear off surfaces of any random things, load the dishwasher, wipe off the kitchen counters and make a quick to do list for the next day. It helps me mentally end the day.

Make Your Bed // I recently shared a few of my tips for becoming a morning person, and I should have included ‘make your bed’ to the list! I make the bed and it’s another way I stay organized, I suppose. I find making the bed if even more tempting when you can display pretty throw pillows.

Keep ‘Fancy’ Water On Hand // A quick way to up my happiness is to have fruit infused water in the fridge – I use a large glass pitcher. It’s a small way to elevate my day when sipping lemon and mint water when I’m ‘at work’. (or ahem, working at the kitchen island…)

Burn a Candle // Guys, I love me an overpriced deliciously scented Anthropologie candle. It makes everything feel homier and cozier when I’m unwinding in the evening and have a candle burning. One of those small everyday treats that really boosts my mood.

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Random Musings


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